Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Indiana: there's no place like home

Indiana. Born and raised. I never knew how "country" people really think Indiana is until i made friends out of state. A friend of mine moved from Conneticut and said he couldn't believe how flat the land was out here. But, Indiana has hills. I live in Avon, a city so small and rural it didn't become a city until 10 years ago. In fact, it was technically considered a village in 1993. My backyard used to be a cornfield up until a year ago, now it's a middle school.

Indiana is absolutely gorgeous to me, yeah, sometimes i'd like to get out and get away and see something other than farms, and corn, and lots and lots of trees, but then other times I couldn't see myself living anywhere else. My bestfriend lives in Osgood which is about an hour and a half southeast of here. There's a total of 1,650 people who live there. It really is a farm community. He lives on an 18 acre farm with three horses, a few duckies, a cow named Norman, some chickens, and dog named Maggie. The last time I stayed with him, we camped out at and went horseback riding with his dad and half his community. People driving didn't even bat an eye lash as we made our way through the back roads in a caravan of horses, donkies, and minihorses.

While riding a cute little beagle joined us on our journey and Dylan's father aptly named him Beagle Dog. "Come on Beagle dog, keep up" I had to be back home that evening to play a show in indianapolis, so we rode the horses back to his home. Again, no one batted an eyelash at the fact that we stopped at a gas station on horse back. On the way home the horse I was riding began to ride a little faster, pretty soon we were flying down the road when my saddle slid down and I was holding onto her mane for dear life. Dylan pulled up beside and tried to hoist me back onto the horse but it was too late. I was down and out and my body slammed like a rag doll. My horse took off and i told Dylan to go catch her. I was alright, a little bruised up but, nothing i couldn't handle. It was a great story and I'll never forget that weekend. it was amazing.

Indiana may be country or hick, or small town or whatever people wanna call it, but i don't neccesarilly think it's a bad thing. some of the nicest people i've met were people in some of the most rural places. Greensburg, Indiana people have tipped me five dollars just for playing guitar on the street. I really am a small town kinda girl. All you stuck up big city folks stay in your big cities.

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