Friday, April 29, 2011

Click. Clack. Sigh.

I rue the day when I actually have confidence. Sometimes it amuses me how often I choke up. People make me so nervous sometimes. I finally have a full band now! we're going under the title of deadghost. The members are: Crescent Ulmer(guitar/vocals) Jake Amerhein (guitar) Jeff Donohoe (Bass guitar) and Ian Lucas (drums). it is everything i would've imagined. Everyday, i feel better and better. I love the spring.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bicycles!!! Travel!!!! Adventure...

...all without having to pay these outrageous gas prices. I owe quite a bit of money. I'll start taking care of that. I have to. Don't won't to be involved in any debt in this country.

I'm in love with bicycles. I felt so amazing tonight. Zipping around. Tackling hills, just begging for the downhill coast. Every time I even think about biking a smile spreads across my face. I'm still a noob to the biking world though and I'm eager to learn as much as I can.

I've got two shows back to back today. and I played full band at the bluebird on april 6th. I can't believe people loved it so much. It was so exciting. Although I feel like the employees at the bluebird are jack asses. Entirely rude to us. I'm still very ticked by that. When I turn 21 I don't think I'll give them much business.

I leave in two days!! I can't believe this. I've never seen a mountain. I don't know what to expect from Colorado, or Kansas for that matter!!! Kansas?!? I'll be in Lawrence though so it's alright. I can't wait to go. I just wanna ride bikes. even now. God!!!! I wanna ride bikes all day long. and play guitar and ride and then rest and play guitar and sing to people. I have a dream of cross-country biking. This is all grand of course. But, maybe one day I could. I dunno. I intend to be a nomad for several years and see and live everywhere. I think I'd like to visit new york one day although I feel like I'd stand out like sore thumb and that kind of excites me. I'd definitely go with a friend that could protect me lol. I'm rambling....